

Twin Rivers Jet


Jet boatDaily on the hour in daylight hours, year round. Vessels depart from the Twin Rivers Jet jetty on the lakefront of Lake Wakatipu off Rees Street, close to the centre of Queenstown. Courtesy coach picks up and returns clients from anywhere in the Queenstown area. Large groups can be carried by arrangement.



Jet boat excursion takes 60 minutes. Allow 15 minutes each way for transfers to and from the jetty and Queenstown accommodation.


Passengers enjoying themselvesTwin Rivers Jet has been operating since 1978 and pioneered the two river experience combining the very shallow and demanding Shotover River with the breathtaking scenery of the deep, crystal clear Kawarau River. Its very fast and powerful craft can operate in water inches deep. All with an amazingly shallow draft and powered and steered using a jet of water, they range from a 300 horsepower boat carrying 11 passengers to a 700hp twin-jet model carrying 25.


Jet boat tripReturn transfers from Queenstown accommodation. One hour jet boat trip. Life jackets and goggles supplied. Spray coats and headbands supplied in winter months. Souvenir photographs available for sale soon after the end of each trip.

Special Conditions

Jet boatThe jet boat travels very quickly so wear warm and windproof clothing, even in summer. Sunglasses are recommended. Clients are welcome to bring a camera but should be aware it can get very wet and bring a waterproof bag. The operator cannot take responsibility for loss or damage. There is no age restriction on passengers, but the trip is not recommended for very small children.


Jet boatBoard the large and powerful Twin Rivers jet boat to take off across Lake Wakatipu to shoot the rapids of the Kawarau Falls Dam. Blaze upstream over the deep waters of the Kawarau River leaving a huge rooster tail of spray in your wake. Then hang on as you enter the mighty but often inches deep Shotover River. Your highly skilled driver will whizz you through serpentine channels, under overhanging trees and along sheer rocks banks. A half hour into your ride you'll spin around and do it all again, this time with the force of the rivers behind you.


Price per person: $59.00
Child: $35.00 (under 5 years of age are free)

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