

Queenstown Rafting


Rafting mosiacDaily at 9.00am and 1.30pm. Clients on morning excursions are picked up from their Queenstown hotel and returned to the Queenstown Rafting Adventure Centre, 35 Shotover Street, Queenstown. Clients on afternoon departures leave from and return to the Rafting Adventure Centre. There is no afternoon hotel pickup.

Trips may be cancelled at short notice due to bad weather or poor river conditions.



Four hours.


The Kawarau is the largest river in terms of water volume commercially rafted in New Zealand. It contains frequent stretches of quiet water and is ideal for first-time rafters. The trip includes four rapids.


Rafting KawaruaTransfer from hotel or Queenstown Rafting Adventure Centre to Cavells Rafting Lodge. Full wetsuit rafting clothing and other equipment provided. Extensive safety instruction and lessons on paddling technique. Hot showers and sauna after rafting excursion. Complimentary tea and coffee. Snacks available for purchase. Return transfer to Queenstown Rafting Adventure Centre.


BungyOnce you arrive at Cavells Rafting Lodge you will change into a full wetsuit with a wetsuit jacket, spray jacket, wetsuit booties, a safety helmet and life jacket. You will be given a paddle. You will then be driven to your inflatable raft launch point on the Kawarau River. Here highly qualified instructors will explain safety procedures and paddling techniques. And you are off.

The river holds a lot of water and there are long quiet stretches where you can practice your paddling and enjoy the scenery. You will experience the thrill of four rapids - Smiths Falls, Twin Bridges, Do Little Do Nothing, and the unforgettable 400 metres of thundering, foaming water - the Chinese Dog Leg. At the end of your ride you can enjoy a hot shower and a sauna. There is free tea and coffee and soft drinks and snacks for sale.

You need to take a towel and a swimsuit and a small amount of cash for drinks and snacks.

Special Conditions

HelicopterRafting involves a degree of risk and the operator cannot absolutely guarantee participants safety. Rafting is not available to children under 13. Contact the operator prior to leaving Queenstown if you have a disability or medical condition which may make you unfit to take the trip.

No responsibility is taken for clients belongings. It is recommended you do not take valuables such as jewellery and passports.


Price per person: $99.00 (Summer & Winter)

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